Touch Osc

TouchOSC is a modular OSC and MIDI control surface for iOS (iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad) and Android. It can send TouchDesigner messages via OSC from interactions with its control panels. Custom control panels can be created by using the TouchOSC Editor which is available for Windows/Mac OSX/Linux.

Additional information and links to the App Store and the TouchOSC Editor can be found here:

Using TouchOSC with TouchDesigner[edit]

Setting up TouchOSC[edit]

First make sure that the device running TouchOSC and the computer running TouchDesigner are on the same wireless network so they can communicate with each other.

After installing TouchOSC, launch the app and you will see the following screen.

TouchOSC is a modular OSC and MIDI control surface for iPhone,iPod Touch, iPad and Android made by Hexler. It supports sending and receiving Open Sound Control and MIDI messages over Wi-Fi and CoreMIDI inter-app. TouchOSC main page. Learn Touch-osc skills by watching tutorial videos about Arturia Jup-8 V and Jun-6 V Explored, Ableton Live 11 Beginner's Guide, Behringer 2600 In Depth, 31 iPhone Secrets That'll Change Your Life, Logic Remote, & more. TouchOSC is a modular OSC and MIDI control surface. It supports sending and receiving Open Sound Control and MIDI messages over Wi-Fi. The application allows to remote control and receive feedback from software and hardware that implement the OSC or MIDI protocols such as Apple Logic Pro/Express, Ableton Live, Renoise, Pure Data, Max/MSP/Jitter, Max for Live, OSCulator, VDMX, Resolume Avenue.


Open the OSC:Disabled menu. Once on this next page, turn on the Enabled switch to reveal the following screen.

On this settings screen, input the IP address of your computer running TouchDesigner. If you do not want to use the default port numbers, change them here as well. Once completed, press the Done button to close the dialog.

Back at the start screen for TouchOSC, select the Layout you would like to use from the Layout menu. When ready, press the Done button.

Touch osc ipad

Setting up TouchDesigner[edit]

Open TouchDesigner and create a OSC In CHOP or OSC In DAT. Change the Network Port parameter to be the same port you select in TouchOSC's Port(outgoing) setting. Default is 8000.

Touch osc cubase

Now move or adjust any control in TouchOSC, you will see the incoming values in TouchDesigner.

Retrieved from ''
This tutorial explains how to make a smartphone based remote control using the App TouchOSC to create the control panel and the library pyOSC to receive the command from your smartphone

TouchOSC is a modular OSC and MIDI control surface for iPhone,iPod Touch, iPad and Android made by Hexler.It supports sending and receiving Open Sound Control and MIDI messages over Wi-Fi and CoreMIDI inter-app

  • TouchOSC main page.

Open Sound Control or OSC is Open Sound Control (OSC) is a protocol for networking sound synthesizers, computers, and other multimedia devices for purposes such as musical performance or show control. OSC's advantages include interoperability, accuracy, flexibility and enhanced organization and documentation.


Installing pyOSC

pyOSC is a a simple OpenSoundControl implementation in Python providing support for OSC-bundles, a simple OSC-client, a simple OSC-server, threading & forking OSC-servers.

Touch Osc Software Windows 10

To install pyOSC type:

Install and configure TouchOSC on your smartphone

Touch OSC is available on Apple store or Google Play:

Control a Daisy-11 strip of led module:

The following python example shows how to control some GPIO lines from touchOS. We use a Daisy-11 led module plugged on a Terra board.

Run this program an Aria G25:

On the smartphone open the TouchOSC app configuration, then the CONNECTIONS-->OSC screen and fill the Host field with board IP address.
From the LAYOUT section select LiveControl then press Done.
Inside the TouchOSC panel select tha Pads tab then touch some buttons.

Touch Osc Android

Related links

Touch Osc Software

Sergio Tanzilli
System designer, webmaster and Acme Systems co-founder
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